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What to Expect When Scheduling a Consultation

     After scheduling an initial consult, you will meet with our provider for a comprehensive evaluation which will include questions regarding medical and psychiatric history, as well as current medication use, allergies, symptoms. During this consultation we will determine if you are an appropriate candidate for ketamine treatment. General exclusion criteria should be reviewed on website prior to booking initial consultation. 


     If found eligible for treatment, we will discuss a comprehensive treatment plan including: safety protocols, administration of medication, dosing options, and follow up instructions.  A trusted sitter is required to be present for all sessions. Sessions will typically last about an hour. An at-home blood pressure cuff will be required for monitoring prior administration of medication.  


     After your treatment sessions we will schedule a follow up meeting to discuss effects of the treatment and integration of experience. We will also discuss any potential adjustments to medication dosage and address any potential side effects experienced during the session.


     Your provider will be available for contact during scheduled hours (7 am -7pm Monday-Friday)  for any questions or concerns. Another meeting/integration session is available upon request at any point remaining in the first month of treatment. If ongoing treatment is needed, we will schedule a follow up appointment to discuss future treatment options.

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